Celebrating PABSS Programming
The PABSS (Protection & Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security) program was established in 1999 to help people with disabilities gain or maintain employment.
What is PABSS?
The Social Security Administration grants funding to the designated Protection and Advocacy agencies (P&As), like DRM to implement the program. DRM’s PABSS program is key in removing barriers to employment for Marylanders with disabilities who want to work.
How does PABSS impact the community?
PABSS helps people with disabilities remove barriers to employment. This can include legal problems in the way of getting hired, getting to work, or addressing discrimination. dis
Example of how DRM helps clients through the PABSS program:
Through the Charting the Life Course Workshops, DRM brings student beneficiaries of Social Security age 14-21 and their parents together to develop their vision for a good life. Students are guided through what they need to know and do to prepare for future employment. We help them identify how to find or develop supports and discover what it takes to live the lives they want to live.
Thanks to the PABSS program’s establishment 24 years ago, DRM, along with the 56 other P&As around the country, have supported people with disabilities who want to get a job or maintain their current employment. That’s worth celebrating!