
Payton Aldridge is a young white woman with long brown hair. She smiles brightly and wears black rimmed glasses and a black top.

Payton Aldridge


Portrait of Randi Ames, a white woman with blonde hair, wearing a dark grey blazer and light grey blouse.

Randi Ames

Managing Attorney

Sandy Balan is a young Brown woman with long, wavy black hair. She smiles brightly and wears a blue top with ruffled shoulders.

Sandy Balan


Susana Barrios is a Latino woman with long black hair. She smiles wearing a light pink v-neck sweater.

Susana Barrios


Makena Bauss

Law Clerk

Courtney Bergan is a young White person with short black hair. Courtney smiles wearing a maroon colored blouse and grey blazer.

Courtney Bergan, J.D.

Equal Justice Works Fellow

Megan Berger is a young White woman with shoulder length blond hair. She smiles brightly and wears a black v neck blouse.

Megan Berger

Legal Director

Janet Burt

Senior Attorney

Lucy Caltagirone is a young White woman with shoulder length dark brown hair with bangs. She smiles and wears a navy top with thin red stripes.

Lucy Caltagirone


Latasha Cooper is a Black woman with locs in a up style. She smiles brightly wearing a gold blouse

Latasha Cooper

Rep. Payee Reviewer

Norma Davis is a Black woman with dark grey hair. She smiles brightly wearing a royal blue sweater.

Norma Davis

Pro Bono Coordinator

Leslie Dickinson is a White woman with blond-brown long wavy hair. She smiles brightly wearing a blue jacket and black and cream patterned scarf around her neck.

Leslie Dickinson

Managing Attorney

Logan Ewing is a young White woman white long blonde hair. She smiles wearing a black v-neck blouse.

Logan Ewing


Kendall Foster is a Black woman with short brown hair. She smiles wearing dark rimmed glasses, blue turtle neck sweater and navy sweater.

Kendall Foster


Kristin Handley is a young White woman with brown hair. She smiles wearing a silver necklace, dark red blouse and black sweater.

Kristin Handley

Rep. Payee Reviewer

Ashlee Johnson is a young Black woman with short styled hair. She smiles brightly and wears a pink blouse and long dangle earrings.

Ashlee Johnson

Communications Specialist

Megan Jones is a young White woman with long light brown hair and thin nose rings. She smiles brightly wearing black rimmed glasses, and a teal vneck blouse.

Megan Jones

Assistant Managing Attorney

Gillian Justice


Tam Kelley is a White woman with long brown hair. She smiles wearing a light grey blazer and grey and cream patterned blouse.

Tam Lynne Kelley

Senior Advocate

Connie Kratovil-Lavelle

Deputy Director

Hal Malone is a White man with short white hair. He is wearing black rimmed glasses and a blue and red stripped collared shirt.

Hal Malone

Bilingual Intake Specialist

Leslie Margolis is a White woman with short curly brown hair. She smiles brightly wearing a black and white polka dot blouse, black sweater and silver dangling earrings.

Leslie Seid Margolis

Managing Attorney and Policy Counsel

Tacha Marshall is a Black woman with gold hair. She smiles wearing silver dangle earrings and a white collared shirt.

Tacha Marshall

Senior Paralegal

Andaiye McAndrew

Law Clerk

Phil McGuire is a young White man with mid length, straight brown hair and a full beard and mustache. He smiles wearing thin, silver rimmed glasses, a black corduroy blazer, red patterned collared shirt and floral tie.

Phil McGuire

Data and Technology Administrator

Meghan Marsh is a White woman with dark brown shoulder length hair. She smiles wearing an off white v-neck blouse and dark green blazer.

Meghan Marsh

Executive Director

Gabe McKenna is a young White man with short wavy hair and a full beard and mustache. He smiles wearing a grey collared shirt.

Gabriel McKenna

Intake Specialist

Sara Miller is a young White woman with brunette, shoulder length wavy hair and 2 thin nose rings. She smiles wearing a black and blue blouse.

Sara Miller


Tara Moriello


Practicing under MD Rule 19-218

Julia Nguyen is a young Asian woman with long brown hair. She smiles brightly and wears a light tan blouse under a black blazer.

Julia Nguyen

Rep. Payee Reviewer

Luciene Parsley

Litigation Counsel

Claudine Paxton is a Black woman with long black hair and small nose ring. She smiles wearing an orange blouse and off white sweater.

Claudine Paxton

Managing Attorney

Jacqueline Phillips is a Black woman with long golden brown hair. She smiles wearing a pink sweater and gold and black rimmed, tinted glasses.

Jacqueline Phillips

Office Assistant

Daria Pugh is a young White woman with should length, brown hair. She smiles wearing a tan shirt and charcoal grey blazer.

Daria Pugh


Philisa Rogers is a Black woman with long black hair. She smiles brightly wearing a white collared shirt.

Philisa Rogers

Director of Finance

Maya Rosenberg is a young person with dark brown, wavy bobbed hair. Maya smiles and wears blue rimmed glasses, bright red lipstick, gold dangle earrings, and a black printed blouse under a rose colored blazer.

Maya Rosenberg


Gabriel Rubinstein is a White man with short black hair and a full beard and mustache. He smiles wearing a grey blazer and light blue collared shirt.

Gabriel Rubinstein

Managing Attorney

Audrey Sellers is a young White woman with shoulder length, brown hair. She's wearing a green v-neck sweater.

Audrey Sellers


Zakia Sterrett

Administrative Assistant

Teri Sparks is a White woman with long white hair. She smiles brightly with black thin rimmed glasses. She is wearing a light grey sweater.

Teri Sparks

Rep. Payee Reviewer

Braden Stinar is a young White man. He smiles with short brown hair wearing a navy blazer, white collared shirt and patterned grey tie.

Braden Stinar


Briona Williams is a young Black woman with long, straight, black hair. She smiles wearing a pink blouse and black sweater.

Briona Williams

Intake Specialist

Richard WIlliams is a young Black man with short black hair and a gotee and beard. He is wearing a light grey shirt with a dark grey collar.

Richard Williams


E.V. Yost
