Disability Rights Maryland would like to hear from you!
We are conducting our annual Advocacy Services Plan survey, asking the community to weigh in about the most important disability-related legal needs facing Marylanders and what DRM should focus on in the coming three years. We especially want to hear from people with disabilities, Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC), and others affected by intersectional discrimination and oppression. DRM’s current Advocacy Services Plan can be found here: FY-2024-Advocacy-Service-Plan-final.pdf (disabilityrightsmd.org). Our 2025-2027 Advocacy Services Plan will be finalized and issued by the end of this year.
There are so many issues we would like to tackle, but our resources are limited and we want to concentrate on the most important needs in our communities.
Here are 4 ways to take the survey by August 22, 2024:
1. Submit online in English or Spanish.
2. Print a English or Spanish survey using link below and mail to Disability Rights Maryland 1500 Union Ave # 2000, Baltimore, MD 21211
3. Email a completed survey to Feedback@DisabilityRightsMD.org
4. Call 410-727-6352 ext. 0 to complete over the phone or request to complete in-person
To request a paper survey, provide feedback over the phone or in-person, or if you need an accommodation or translation to participate, call us at 410-727-6352 ext. 0 or email JackieP@disabilityrightsmd.org.