DRM & Venable Reach Proposed Agreement with DHMH - Disability Rights Maryland


DRM & Venable Reach Proposed Agreement with DHMH

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Two years ago, the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) was sued by Jane Doe, an individual who, while in the custody and care of two separate DHMH facilities, was sexually assaulted twice, by two different patients, resulting in severe trauma and emotional injuries.

Today, October 11, 2016, Disability Rights Maryland and Venable, LLP submitted a proposed settlement with DHMH for approval by the federal court. The proposed agreement alters responses to sexual abuse allegations in DHMH facilities by establishing new sexual assault prevention, reduction, reporting, and treatment protocols, including use of protection plans and external law enforcement investigations. In addition to the State awarding Ms. Doe the maximum damages allowed, DHMH has agreed to significant service commitments that will be available to Ms. Doe.

Disability Rights Maryland is providing the proposed Settlement Agreement and Complaint information for this case.

Media Coverage – The Baltimore Sun

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