
DRM Mobility Complaint Line Now Live

MTA Mobility Van

Call to tell us of your concerns!

1. Note the date and time of the problem

  • How long was your trip?
  • How long were you on hold?
  • Was your ride late on pick up or drop off?
  • Did you miss an appointment or work?
  • Was your aide gone when you got home from a late trip?

2. Keep a log of your trip issues.

3. Report the problem to DRM’s Mobility Complaint Line: (443) 692-2526

You may also report your complaint to MTA at: (410) 764-8181, option 8

TIP: Some rides may be easy to book or cancel through mobility pass web online:

TIP: Remember to cancel your ride if you change your plans.

DRM has long been involved in fighting alongside clients for equity in public transit services. DRM has filed two systemic lawsuits against the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) for disability discrimination in paratransit mobility, resulting in substantial improvement. The current chaos in service clearly demonstrates the demand for further reform.

DRM is currently engaged in talks with numerous state officials about the lack of funding and the poor planning for Mobility services. DRM is proud of the work with Consumers for Accessible Ride Services (CARS), a rider advocate group that meets monthly and is dedicated to improving transit services for people with disabilities. You can also download a copy of our MTA Mobility Rider and Rights Advocacy Guide.

If you experience any issues with mobility services, call DRM’s rider hotline at: (443) 692-2526 and leave us a message. We will return the call. #TogetherForChange

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