Special Education

- DRM’s Education Team’s Live Q&A Sessions (2020-Present): Disability Rights Maryland’s Education Team began hosting live Q&A sessions to help parents and families understand their children’s rights to special education services amid COVID-19. Click to watch past sessions on our YouTube channel.
Handbooks, Parent Guides, and Know Your Rights Materials
- Special Education Rights: A Handbook for Maryland Families and Professionals – 13th Edition (2020): A 58-page handbook designed as a guide for helping families navigate the special education system and IEP process. Includes sample forms and letters.
- The School Discipline Process: A Handbook for Maryland Families and Professionals (2017): a 44-page handbook about the school discipline process for all students, especially those with disabilities.
- Know Your Child’s Rights: A Guide to the Suspension & Expulsion Rights of Your Child in Maryland (June 2020)
- Know Your Rights: Interacting with Police in Schools (November 2017)
- Know Your Rights: Student Suspension Rights in Maryland (September 2016)
- In the Name of Treatment: A Parent’s Guide to Protecting Your Child From the Use of Restraint, Aversive Interventions, and Seclusions. This 18-page handbook produced by the Alliance to Prevent Restraint, Aversive Interventions, and Seclusion (APRAIS) can be downloaded here.
- Know Your Rights: Meaningful Progress (2021): How do I know if my child is making meaningful progress? (Guide #8)
- Know Your Rights: School Discipline (2021): A brief guide for parents of children with disabilities who are receiving special education amid COVID-19 (Guide #7)
- Extended School Year Services(2021): What are extended school year (ESY) services? (Guide #6)
- Compensatory Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic(2021): A brief guide for parents of children with disabilities who are receiving special education amid COVID-19 (Guide #5).
- Special Transition Planning and Special Education Services for Students Exiting School(2021): A brief guide for parents of children with disabilities who are receiving special education amid COVID-19 (Guide #4)
- Special Communication with the IEP Team and Data Collection During the Pandemic (2021): A brief guide for parents of children with disabilities who are receiving special education amid COVID-19 (Guide #3)
- Special Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic(2020): A brief guide for parents of children with disabilities who are receiving special education amid COVID-19 (Guide #2).
- IEP Modification/Amendment or Individualized Continuity of Learning Plans: Preserving The Rights You and Your Child Have Under the Law(2020): A brief guide for parents of children with disabilities who are receiving special education amid COVID-19 (Guide #1).
- Disability Rights Maryland and Parent’s Place of Maryland Collaborative Guide to Special Education for Maryland Parents and Families(2021)
- Virtual Services Parent Guide (2023)
Additional Resources
- State Special Education [IDEA] Complaint Toolkit by The Parents’
Place of Maryland (2023) - Sample Maryland State Department of Education Complaint – Staff Shortages (2021)
- DRM’s Systemic Compensatory Education Complaint(2021)
- Sample Maryland State Department of Education IDEA Complaint (2021)
- Sample Behavioral Observation Log(2021)
- Changes in Maryland Law Regarding Parental Consent in the IEP Process(2017): A two-page fact sheet explaining the new rights that parents have in the special education process regarding decisions about alternate assessments, certificates of program completion, placement in non-credit bearing programs, and restraint/seclusion.
- Together Beyond the School Day: Tips for Parents and Caregivers (August 2016)
- Out of School Time (OST) Information Booklet (August 2012)
- Obtaining Special Education Services for Children with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)(January 2011)
- Chronology of the Vaughn G. special education lawsuit against Baltimore City Public Schools: This document sets out the history of the case from 1988 to 2008.
- Extended School Year Services: An advocate’s guide to the legal issues involved in obtaining ESY services for school-aged children. This 28-page outline was developed with a grant from, and posted with the permission of, the National Association of Protection and Advocacy Services (now known as the National Disability Rights Network).